package main import ( "" "" ) func main() { e := initServer().Echo() e.Logger.Fatal(e.Start(":1323")) } func initServer() echoswagger.ApiRoot { e := echo.New() se := echoswagger.New(e, "doc/", &echoswagger.Info{ Title: "Swagger Petstore", Description: "This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at []( or on [, #swagger]( For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.", Version: "1.0.0", TermsOfService: "", Contact: &echoswagger.Contact{ Email: "", }, License: &echoswagger.License{ Name: "Apache 2.0", URL: "", }, }) se.AddSecurityOAuth2("petstore_auth", "", echoswagger.OAuth2FlowImplicit, "", "", map[string]string{ "write:pets": "modify pets in your account", "read:pets": "read your pets", }, ).AddSecurityAPIKey("api_key", "", echoswagger.SecurityInHeader) se.SetExternalDocs("Find out more about Swagger", ""). SetResponseContentType("application/xml", "application/json"). SetUI(echoswagger.UISetting{DetachSpec: true, HideTop: true}). SetScheme("https", "http") PetController{}.Init(se.Group("pet", "/pet")) StoreController{}.Init(se.Group("store", "/store")) UserController{}.Init(se.Group("user", "/user")) return se }